Good Samaritan Statutes Legal Definition

What are Good Samaritan Statutes?” 

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  • Good Samaritan Statutes
Good Samaritan Statutes Legal Definition

© Master Sgt. Jeremy Lock

Good Samaritan Statutes legal definition: Good Samaritan Statutes describes laws that provide immunity to people who provide emergency care and treatment to injured persons, with or without the expectation of compensation.

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Good Samaritan Statutes in Medical Malpractice Cases

Under common law, a bystander is under no moral obligation to help if they did not cause or help cause the injury of another. However, if a good samaritan does come to the aid of another person in a medical way, whether or not they expect compensation, they assume a duty to reasonable care and can be held liable if they are negligent in the care they provide or if that negligence causes further harm.

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