Paraquat Lawsuit Attorneys
Popular Herbicide Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
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Paraquat lawsuits and Rotenone lawsuits
Paraquat Lawsuit Attorneys at Pribanic & Pribanic can help you get the compensation you deserve if you’ve been exposed to Paraquat or Rotenone and have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
“Paraquat is highly toxic to humans; one small accidental sip can be fatal and there is no antidote.”
– U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Paraquat Lawsuits & Rotenone Lawsuits: Who Can File?
People who may have a Paraquat (or Rotenone) case are the following:
Agricultural workers such as farmers, licensed paraquat applicators, growers, pickers and landscapers
Residents who live near farmland sprayed with paraquat
Anyone who works with or around commercial weed killers and pesticides
State or federal agency workers who’ve handled these products in the field
As of June 2021, there were 157 cases pending in state and federal courts around the country against Syngenta (the herbicide manufacturer) regarding Paraquat. The plaintiffs claim Syngenta was aware of the health risks associated with Paraquat but failed to warn users.
“If you believe you’re a victim of Paraquat or Rotenone, Pribanic & Pribanic has experienced Paraquat Parkinson’s disease attorneys are ready to help: call 800-392-4529.
Paraquat, Rotenone Connection to Parkinson’s Disease
A Des Moines Register story published in May 2021 highlights the actions of an Iowa farmer who led a nationwide lawsuit against the manufacturers of Paraquat for its connection to Parkinson’s Disease.
Parkinson’s Disease is a generative disease of the central nervous system affecting movement. While some Parkinson’s Disease diagnoses are attributed to genetics, it is becoming more widely understood that environmental factors and toxins, such as herbicides and pesticides, are also strongly linked to the disease.
While the CDC does not list acute symptoms of toxicity for Rotenone on its website, studies into Rotenone and Paraquat have revealed links to Parkinson’s Disease.
A 2011 study by the National Institutes of Health found “significant associations of Parkinson’s Disease with use of groups of pesticides classified as complex I inhibitors or as oxidative stressors.”
In particular, the study found Parkinson’s Disease was strongly associated with Rotenone and Paraquat, stating that “people who used either pesticide developed Parkinson’s disease approximately 2.5 times more often than non-users.” That means users are on average 250% more likely to develop Parkinson’s Disease.
Similarly, the results of a Nature Neuroscience study published in 2000, found that “chronic exposure to a common pesticide [Rotenone] can reproduce the anatomical, neurochemical, behavioral and neuropathological features of Parkinson’s Disease.”
In fact, Paraquat and Rotenone are routinely used in research as one of the ways to induce and study Parkinson’s Disease in animal models.
“If you think you may have been exposed to Paraquat, our Paraquat lawsuit attorneys can help. Call 800-392-4529 today.”
What is Paraquat?
Paraquat Dichloride, or Paraquat, is a widely used herbicide in the United States. Paraquat is registered as a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its use is limited to licensed users due to it’s high toxicity. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Paraquat is “highly poisonous” if ingested, inhaled, or left on exposed skin.
Paraquat is a chemical used to control weeds and grass in agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Other Paraquat uses include use as a desiccant for crops like cotton, prior to harvest.
What is Rotenone?
Rotenone is an insecticide derived from the roots and stems of plants native to South America and Tropical Asia, such as derris elliptica, that is processed into a colorless to red, odorless, crystalline solid.
Rotenone is particularly effective in killing fish and other organisms by blocking the cellular intake of oxygen. It has also been used in home gardens.
Rotenone is routinely applied using a liquid concentrate or a powdered substance, but according to the CDC, no there is no data regarding the toxicity of rotenone if inhaled, despite the continued use of Rotenone powder.
Until 2006, Rotenone was registered as a pesticide by the EPA for residential and agricultural use. Today, it is registered as a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) by the EPA due to “acute inhalation, acute oral, and aquatic toxicity,” and only used as a piscicide (fish killer). All non-RUP agricultural, residential, and food uses of Rotenone have been cancelled.
Contact Pribanic & Pribanic to evaluate your Paraquat case today: Call 800-392-4529.
“Wonderful group of individuals — that work for you because you are a person not just another case.” ~ Megann
Who is at risk of Paraquat Exposure?
Field and Agricultural workers who have used Paraquat are most likely to feel the effects of exposure with the chemical.
Since Paraquat is primarily used as a spray, the EPA has claimed it can also pose a threat to bystanders via spray drift, making Paraquat toxic not only to workers, but those living near farms and facilities that use Paraquat products.
Other herbicides that contain paraquat dichloride are recognizable under brand names like
Popular Paraquat Crops include:
Grapes and other orchards
Pastures and Hay
Symptoms of Paraquat Exposure
According to the CDC, the most likely route of Paraquat exposure is through ingestion. Paraquat poisoning is also possible after skin exposure. Paraquat poisoning via ingestion directly damages the linings of the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines.
Overtime, exposure to small amounts of Paraquat may lead to heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure, and lung scarring. In general, Paraquat exposure can lead to Paraquat side effects such as:
Fast heart rate
Muscle weakness
Pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs)
Respiratory (breathing) failure, possibly leading to death
Parkinson’s Disease
Banned in Other Countries
Over 30 countries worldwide have banned the use of Paraquat. Paraquat is banned throughout England, the European Union, and China.
Syngenta, the manufacturers of Paraquat, are based in Switzerland, where the use of Paraquat has been banned since 1989. Most of the yield is sent to the United States. Paraquat is still legal in all 50 US states.
Due to the still rampant use of Paraquat and Paraquat products in the United States, human exposure is not uncommon for those working in or near agricultural or other field industries.
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Do not hesitate to contact the experienced Paraquat lawsuit attorneys at Pribanic & Pribanic today for a free consultation: 800-392-4529
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