Brain Injury Medical Definition
“What is Brain Injury?”
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Brain Injury
Brain Injury legal definition: Brain Injury, Brain Damage, or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is usually caused by blunt trauma or penetration of the brain tissue but it can also result from things like improper medication, lack of oxygen, or chemical poisoning.
Common causes of brain injury are:
Lack of oxygen to the brain (hypoxia)
Exposure to harmful chemicals
Medication errors
Sports injuries
Failure to diagnose stroke or tumors
Motor vehicle accidents
The consequences of head trauma can be severe and often include symptoms such as:
Short- and long-term memory loss
Impaired speech
Loss of sensation
During pregnancy or birth, birth injuries resulting in brain damage to a child may cause cerebral palsy. The following problems may result in brain damage:
Rh incompatibility
lack of oxygen to the baby
a mother’s urinary tract infection
bleeding within the infant’s brain
poisoning due to the mother’s use of alcohol and drugs
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Brain Injury in Medical Malpractice Cases
Brain injuries can be serious and life altering, or fatal. They require immediate medical attention and if the proper procedures or diagnostic is not assumed, you may have a case for medical malpractice.
Oftentimes, people suffering from brain injuries are unable to recognize their own symptoms. For this reason, it is very important that family members take note of any changes in behavior of a brain injury victim. Our lawyers understand the significant suffering brain injuries can cause and are prepared to help you seek the compensation you need and deserve. Contact a Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyer today to review your case: 800-392-4529
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