What is TBI?

Call Our Law Firm For A Free Review: 800-392-4529

What is TBI?

Call Our Law Firm For A Free Review: 800-392-4529

What is TBI?

A TBI is an injury to the brain that impacts its function. It can be caused by falls, collisions, a blow or sudden jolt to the head, or a penetrating injury. 

Depending on the extent of the injury or force of impact to the head, a TBI may resolve within a short time or lead to long-term complications.

What is TBI?

What is TBI? Call brain injury lawyers Jeffrey Pribanic, Ernest Pribanic and Victor Pribanic (left to right) today for a free legal consultation 800-392-4529.

What is TBI?

A TBI is an injury to the brain that impacts its function. It can be caused by falls, collisions, a blow or sudden jolt to the head, or a penetrating injury.

Depending on the extent of the injury or force of impact to the head, a TBI may resolve within a short time or lead to long-term complications.

What is TBI?

What is TBI? Call brain injury lawyers Jeffrey Pribanic, Ernest Pribanic and Victor Pribanic (left to right) today for a free legal consultation 800-392-4529.

TBIs are typically classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Someone with a mild TBI, also called a concussion, may experience headaches, confusion, dizziness, temporary sensitivity to light, and brief loss of consciousness. A severe TBI, on the other hand, is characterized by significant physical and cognitive complications and can be potentially life-threatening. Symptoms include:

  • Severe Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of Consciousness
  • Vision Problems
  • Memory Loss
  • Behavioral Changes 
  • Mood Swings

Treatment for traumatic brain injuries ranges from rest and monitoring, to physical and mental rehabilitation, to surgical interventions. Ongoing medical care may be required when a TBI results in long-term disabilities, such as paralysis.

TBI is a complex condition. If you have been affected by a TBI through no fault of your own, it is crucial to seek the best traumatic brain injury lawyer available—one one with the knowledge and experience necessary to handle your case effectively. Contact us online or by phone today for a free review of your case: 800-392-4529

“If you have questions about TBI lawsuits, call one of our brain injury lawyers for help: 800-392-4529

What Our Clients Say About Pribanic & Pribanic

“They work for you because you are a person not just another case.” ~ Megann

Ernest and Victor Pribanic, fought for her and enabled her to move forward and build a “new life.” For that we will be ever so thankful. Lawyers fight for justice, they did much more than that, they gave us hope.

~ Carrie White

Jeffrey is very professional and he was always there for me when I had any concerns. My injury is going to be with me for life. We settled and Jeffrey got me a very large settlement. Hire Jeffrey!


Client Review, Pennsylvania 

Meet Our Featured Brain Injury Attorney Team

Our Team of Brain Injury Lawyers have helped victims since 1982.

Our Team of Brain Injury Lawyers have helped victims since 1982.

Can Your Law Firm Take My Case?

To find out if Pribanic & Pribanic can answer your questions about a TBI case contact our firm by text, phone, or email for a free consultation.

“What should I do if I experience health problems?”

First, seek medical treatment if you are developing health symptoms. Second, consider getting a baseline of your entire health, like blood tests and organ function, in case anything changes. And there are other steps you can take to improve your chances of securing compensation, like preserving evidence. Take photographs or videos of anything involved that you think led to your injury.

It is also important to be careful about what you sign or what you say to companies involved in your injury. They are trying to limit their liability and may try to get you to sign documents or make statements that hurt your case. To ensure your rights are protected in your state consult with an experienced attorney first.

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