Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

Call To Start Your Free Case Review: 800-392-4529

Cerebral Palsy Lawyer

Call To Start Your Free Case Review: 800-392-4529

Cerebral Palsy Attorneys in Pittsburgh, PA

Cerebral Palsy Attorneys in Pittsburgh, PA


Birth Injury Settlement

Millions Awarded

Cerebral Palsy Settlements

40yrs Trial Experience

Pribanic & Pribanic Case Results

Do You Need A Cerebral Palsy Lawyer? 

A cerebral palsy lawyer at Pribanic & Pribanic has handled birth injury cases for over forty years in Pennsylvania.

Types of Cerebral Palsy Claims

  • Brain infections

  • Bleeding in the brain

  • Lack of blood flow to the brain

  • Head trauma


Cerebral palsy, the term for a group of neurological disorders that affect muscle coordination and body movement, is caused by abnormal brain development or damage to the cerebral cortex, part of the brain that controls muscle movement. Some children are born with cerebral palsy, due to congenital abnormalities. Others acquire it, meaning it develops as a result of brain damage.

The following actions and failures to act may cause cerebral palsy:

  • Failure to recommend a C-section

  • Delayed C-section

  • Mismanagement of fetal distress

  • Forceps and vacuum errors

  • Mismanagement of shoulder dystocia

  • Failure to diagnose macrosomia or cephalopelvic disproportion

  • Improper treatment for severe jaundice

Has your child been diagnosed with cerebral palsy? Medical malpractice may be the cause, and our Pittsburgh cerebral palsy lawyers at Pribanic & Pribanic, LLC can carefully review your unique situation to determine whether this is true. We have seen instances where delayed C-sections, diagnostic errors, and other serious types of medical errors have caused brain damage that leads to cerebral palsy. We are here to help you seek justice and fair compensation for your child’s complete and ongoing care.


Cerebral palsy may vary in severity, but it is a permanent condition. There is no cure. Your child may benefit from surgery, medication, assistive devices, and therapy to lead a more fulfilling and stable life, but these are extremely expensive. A fair settlement or verdict from a birth injury lawsuit can help you provide for your child – for life. Our team can work to identify potential links between your child’s condition and obstetrical malpractice.

“We are ready to hear your story and offer our guidance. Schedule a free consultation with our cerebral palsy attorneys in Pittsburgh by calling 800-392-4529.”


★★★★★”~ Denise Perry


Tell Us What Happened: 800-392-4529


Tell Us What Happened



Birth Injury Cases We Handle

If your child was injured at birth, call our birth injury lawyers at 800-392-4529

Top Cerebral Palsy Lawyer Awards

Cerebral Palsy Lawyer Awards



Call Pribanic & Pribanic, LLC today at 800-392-4529 or complete an online form to discuss your child’s cerebral palsy case.



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