Are You Distracted? 2016 Saw Dramatic Increase in Roadway Fatalities
April has come to a close, and with it, a month-long focus on distracted driving by the National Safety Council (NSC).
According to the NCS, an estimated 40,000 people died on U.S. roadways in 2016, which is a 6% increase over 2015 and 14% increase over 2014. This rise of fatalities in 2014–2016 is the most dramatic two-year increase in 53 years.
The reason is distracted driving.
One of the most common driving distractions is cell phone use. But don’t think that going “hands-free” solves the problem. Even with both hands on the wheel, talking on the phone limits your ability to focus on the road.
Using brain imaging, researchers have investigated the effects of “auditory language comprehension” while driving. One study, released in 2008, revealed that just listening to another person speak can decrease driving performance.
Another study, released March 2015 by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, found that “distraction was a key factor in 58 percent of crashes involving drivers ages 16 to 19.”
Teens have the highest crash rate of any group in the United States.
Are you a distracted driver? Here are some safety tips:
- Turn off your phone.
- Don’t get absorbed in that latest podcast.
- Reduce your speed.
- Talk to your kids about distracted driving.
- Sign a family pledge not to talk or text while driving.
Just one wrong move while driving distracted can rob someone of their life.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a distracted driver, call the experienced attorneys at Pribanic & Pribanic. Our lawyers have successfully handled dozens of car crash cases over the years. For a free consultation, contact us online or call toll free at 1-800-392-4529.