Paralysis Lawyer in Pittsburgh

Award-Winning Paralysis Lawyers in PA

Call For A Free Review: 800-392-4529

Paralysis Lawyer in Pittsburgh

Award-Winning Paralysis Lawyers in PA

Call For A Free Review: 800-392-4529

spinal cord injury lawyer pittsburgh

“1st Class Attorney”


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Do You Need A Paralysis Lawyer For Injuries?

Paralysis Lawyer | Example of Injury ChartA paralysis lawyer takes on one of the most difficult medical injuries a person can suffer. People suffering from a personal injury resulting of being in need of a paralysis attorney generally require extensive ongoing medical treatment, assistance with daily living, adaptive equipment, adapted living quarters and other needs. Typically, it leaves a person unable to work as well.


A Pittsburgh Paralysis Lawyer Team You Can Trust

A paralysis lawyer at Pribanic & Pribanic understand the hardships facing people suffering from various forms of paralysis and have the experience to handle complex personal injury cases involving paralysis. For a free consultation, call 800-392-4529. to speak with an experienced Pittsburgh-based paraplegia injury lawyer. Pribanic & Pribanic handles cases across the United States.


Forms of Paralysis Injuries

Typically the extent of paralysis  is determined by the location of the injury. The higher on the spinal cord the injury, the more of the body that is impacted. Paraplegia and quadriplegia are two forms of paralysis often caused by spinal cord injury or head injury:

  • Paraplegia: Paralysis of the lower half of the body, including the legs. Extreme forms of paraplegia leave the injured person unable to walk or move his or her legs at all.
  • Quadriplegia: Paralysis of the body generally from the shoulders down. All four limbs and the torso are completely or partially paralyzed.


Other examples of paralysis include:

  • Monoplegia: One limb is paralyzed.
  • Hemiplegia: The arm and leg on one side of the body are paralyzed.
  • Partial: Some muscle function and sensation; for example, if a person can move one leg but not the other, or feel sensations such as cold and heat.
  • Complete: Total loss of muscle function and sensation in affected limbs.
  • Spastic: Muscles in affected limbs are unusually stiff or display spasms and movements are not under the control of the individual.
  • Flaccid: Muscles in affected limbs are floppy and weak; muscles in flaccid paralysis may shrivel.

The extent of the paralysis and subsequent loss of muscle function will depend on how high up the injury occurred. For example:

  • A C1-C4 spinal cord injury will result in little or no movement in the limbs. It’s likely that only the head and shoulders will retain mobility and a ventilator may be required to assist breathing.
  • A C7 spinal cord injury will allow a person to extend their elbows, and there may be some ability to move the fingers.
  • A T2-T12 spinal cord injury will result in fully functional muscles in the top half of the body but little or no function in the lower limbs.
  • An L1-L5 injury may allow limited movement in their hip, knees and feet, but typically the injured person will need a wheelchair or walker.

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Pittsburgh Paralysis Injury Lawyer




Pittsburgh Paralysis Injury Lawyer Ernest Pribanic



Pribanic & Pribanic handled my personal injury case in a professional and timely manner. I got the highest possible settlement for the type of injury I had. I highly recommend their law firm.


~ Client Review, Pennsylvania

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