Birth Injury Medical Definition
“What is a Birth Injury?”
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Birth Injury
Birth Injury medical definition: A birth injury is a physical injury suffered by a baby during delivery. There are many causes for birth injury, some of which are due to pre-existing medical problems present in either the mother or the baby, and some of which are due to negligence and the improper handling of birthing situations.
Conditions that may be linked to a difficult birth include:
A birth weight over about 8 pounds, 13 ounces (4,000 grams)
Babies born before 37 weeks (premature babies have more fragile bodies and may be more easily injured)
The size and shape of the mother’s pelvis is not adequate for the baby to be born vaginally
Difficult labor or childbirth
Prolonged labor
Abnormal or breech birthing presentation
Maternal obesity
Some common birth injuries include:
Brachial palsy
Bruising or forceps marks
Caput succedaneum
Facial paralysis
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Broken bones
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Birth Injury in Medical Malpractice Cases
Birth injuries can be related to a number of things such as pre-existing maternal or fetal health problems, or in some cases the result of negligence by a healthcare professional such as a doctor or nurse. In unfortunate cases, these injuries may cause permanent disabilities or even death of the child. In the cases where medical malpractice is a potential player, contact a Pribanic & Pribanic lawyer right away. Contact a Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyer today to review your case: 800-392-4529
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