Administrative Defense Coverage Legal Definition
“What is Administrative Defense Coverage?”
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Administrative Defense Coverage
Administrative Defense Coverage legal definition: Administrative Defense Coverage is a type of insurance that protects physicians, surgeons, and dentists for legal expenses incurred while defending administrative disciplinary actions, peer review actions, privileges, actions by state licensing boards, and investigations involving billing and coding practices. Typically this is a provision to medical malpractice liability insurance.
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Administrative Defense Coverage in Medical Malpractice Cases
In medical malpractice cases Administrative Defense Coverage covers related legal proceeding costs for medical professionals who are being accused of medical malpractice or who are caught up in medical malpractice cases. This kind of insurance protects health care providers & not patients. If you are facing the consequences of a potential medical malpractice case as a victim, don’t hesitate to contact Pribanic & Pribanic. Contact a Pittsburgh medical malpractice lawyer today to review your case: 800-392-4529
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